Will & Trust
Legacy & Compassion Beyond Time...
Information for your attorney
Furry Friends Rescue
P.O. Box 7270
Fremont, CA 94537-7270
Voice Mail: (510) 794-4703
Tax ID #94-3308178
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation
Email: legacy@FurryFriendsRescue.org
Your planned gift is a legacy of your love for dogs and cats. It will help save hundreds to thousands of abandoned, abused and neglected companion animals so they will get their miracle and new beginnings as a true loving family member for life! Thank you for your compassion and kindness for furry lives.
Guardian for Life - Pet Trust
We all love our pets. They depend on us to care and protect them for life. Each year thousands of dogs and cats are euthanized at shelters due to the death of their guardian. Please make sure to designate a guardian for your animals. Accidents and illness can happen at anytime at any age. Ensure your animal is protected for the rest of their life. If you cannot find a guardian, you can consider FFR.

We home foster our rescues and provide sanctuary to over 100 dogs and cats year round. We take excellent care of them for life (like our own loved pets), and we would provide them the same loving care for your pet if you choose to make FFR the guardian of your pet. We will take care for your pet until we find him or her a loving family home for life like our own pets (adoption match, interview and home visit. We back up for life and take returns.) or they remain with us in a sanctuary foster home.
See some of our listed Sanctuary animals, Miracle Club, and Golden Dogs. Ensure a lifetime quality care and love for your pet. E-mail us at legacy@FurryFriendsRescue.org for more information and our FFR GUARDIAN FOR LIFE – Pet Trust, Pet Profile & Dossier.
Living Trust & Will

- Will a gift to FFR to take care of and cover all expenses for your companion dog or cat. We will take care for your pet until we find him or her a loving home for life, or they remain with us in a home as a sanctuary dog or cat. Ensure lifetime care for your pets. (Check out FreeWill, Write Your Legal Will Online, Free & Simple)
- Residual Bequest - after making provisions for your family and friends, the balance of your belongings (legally referred to as your estate') is donated to FFR.
- Percentage of your Estate - where a specific percentage of your estate is left to FFR.
- Pecuniary Bequest - where a specific sum of money is donated.
- Specific Gift Bequest - referring to any non-cash items such as shares, property, jewelry, artwork, or other valuables, which can be given to FFR.
- Life Insurance/Assurance Policy.
- Life Income Plan - where you set up a trust for your dependants, providing them with a regular income, while the principal of the trust (the original amount invested) is paid to your favorite cause after a specified time period - this can also be known as a 'charitable remainder trust'.
- Free Will - It is free, and it helps you create your legal Will, Trust, Estate Planning and other important documents, like an Advance Healthcare Directive or Financial Power of Attorney. Choose to leave a bequest to Furry Friends Rescue Tax ID #94-3308178 or any non-profit organization you want to leave your legacy.
Contact your own Attorney or one of these Attorney's listed below for legal advice on how to bequest to Furry Friends Rescue. Thank you.
Linda Gonsalves
Gonsalves & Kozachenko
1133 Auburn Street
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 770-3906
Attorney Directory
Attorney Directory by LegalZoom.com
The Bar Association of San Francisco
Norman E. Reitz
777 Southland Dr.
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 732-9940