Tail Waggin' Thanks To Our Paw Heroes!
Here are people and pets making a difference. Every day heroes, just like you, support Furry Friends Rescue in many ways... We thank you all for making a difference in the lives of our furry friends. You inspire us with your creativity and generosity!
March, 2019 - Thanks to Girl Scout Troop #31832

Girl Scout Troop #31832
Wow! Huge Thanks to Girl Scout Troop #31832, Brownies and Daisies (6 - 9 years old), Fremont! 22 Girl Scouts all worked hard selling their cookies and raised $1,377.00 to donate to Furry Friends Rescue! They also made dog and cat toys and gather supplies. The Girl Scouts and their parents came to our showcase at Pet Food Express, Fremont to present us with their donations and meet our dogs & cats. Huge Thank You for helping rescue dogs and cats! We greatly appreciate their donations and very honored.
The awesome Girl Scouts had fun meeting our dogs and cats and look forward to being future Volunteers.
April 2015 - Thanks to Girl Scout Troop #33437

Girl Scout Troop #33437
Thanks to Girl Scout, Brownie troop #33437 for their kind donation of $200 for their Cookie sales!
December, 2013 - Thanks to Sarah

Sarah and Bella
Huge thanks to Sarah, great FFR Jr. Volunteer, who asked for donations for FFR dogs in lieu of her birthvbday gifts! She and her friends donated lots of dog beds, treats and toys! Thanks to Sarah's friends for their wonderful donation. Our dogs & pups are very happy!
February, 2013 - Thanks to Natalie

Natalie with Teresa, Tony and Caroline
Hi, my name's Natalie, I am 12 years old, and I enjoy volunteering at Furry Friends Rescue. I am a dog lover, (I have a chocolate lab, and we have fostered dogs for Furry Friends Rescue) and I love anything to do with helping animals. My birthday was coming up soon, and I was stuck on what to do for my birthday party. Then I decided to collect donations for the dogs at Furry Friends Rescue, instead of presents. I was so excited to help out, I could hardly wait!
As it turns out, the idea was a big hit with my friends, and everyone loved it! They all brought so many things, like treats, squeaky toys, bones, dog bowls, cash donations, and even dog shampoo. With some of the cash donations I was able to collect, I went out and bought leashes, collars, harnesses, food and treats, a small dog bed, and material so I could make blankets. After everything had been assembled, the donations were put in the right bags, the blankets have been tied, and we were down to our last cash donation to spend on dog treats. Everything was ready to go. In all, we had 5 bags and 2 bags of food. My family and I were so proud of what we had done for this organization.
I hope other people will read about this, and decide to do this for themselves. Trust me, it's a great feeling to know that you've helped out, to make the world a better place. Thanks my friends who helped me collect all these donations: Kelsey, Audrey, Chloe, Maddi, Aniek, Katelyn, Floor, Maci, Sydney, and Kaitlyn. Also thanks to Sam's Downtown Feed and Pet Supply, Unleashed Petco-Almaden, and C&L Blinds for adding their donations towards purchased items.
February, 2011 - Thanks to Fremont Girl Scout Troop 31663!

Thank you Girl Scout Troop 31663
Photo by Heather Lussier, Posh Pooch Portraits
Big WOOF Thanks to Fremont Girl Scout, Troop 31663 for hosting their Tie-Dye station, Face Painting & Craft booth to help raise funds for FFR at our 2010 Tail Waggin Walk & Woofstock! Groovey Job!
February, 2010 - Thanks to Kenlyn and her wonderful friends!

Thank you Kenlyn and her wonderful friends!
As part of her Bat Mitzvah service project, Kenlyn Mirbach gathered her friends to learn about Furry Friends Rescue, especially the Jr. Volunteer and Fostering programs. Kenlyn's friends all brought pet food, treats and toys to donate for dogs and cats rescued by FFR. Here's a photo of the group, mostly 7th graders from Egan and Hausner Middle Schools, along with their donations.
September, 2009 - Thanks to Fremont Bay Area i-club!

Thank you Bay Area i-club!
Big Thanks to the Bay Area i-club (Subaru Enthusiasts) for their generous donation of $2,000 generated from their raffle at their annual Car Club Meet on Aug. 9, 2009, in Novato at Stafford Lake. Their donation will help FFR save and support many rescue cats and dogs with food, medicine and veterinarian care.
August, 2009 - Thanks to Fremont Girl Scout Troop 30428!

Thank you Girl Scout Troop 30428!
Big thanks to Girlscout, Troop 30428, for donating their hand-made dog and kitty blankets and toys! The also gathered donations to purchase a variety of toys and goodies.
Photo of Girl Scouts with our doggie.
Front Row: Becca, Lorraine, Reina & Sahar
Back Row: Henna, Susannah, Andrea & Brooke
August, 2009 - Congratulations and thanks to Desiree and Archie!!

Congratulations and thanks to Desiree and Archie!
Desiree & Archie were married on June 27th and had a awesome wedding in Carmel.
They asked their guests to donate to Furry Friends Rescue in lieu of wedding gifts. They raised over $2400! Big Thank You to Desiree, Archie and their guests for their kind and life-saving donations!
June, 2009 - Thanks to Fremont Girl Scout Troop 31094!

Thank you Girl Scout Troop 31094!
Fremont Girl Scout Troop #31094 collected and made wonderful dog and cat toys for our rescue animals. They presented us with their two large boxes of donations on June 13, 2009 at our adoption showcase at Petco, Fremont.
The girl scouts got to meet some of our cute rescue dogs and kittens. Our dogs and kittys appreciate their donation. Big thanks!
Photo of Girl Scouts with our doggies & kitten. Jennifer, Pavi, Rachel, Toriana, and Jamie.
March, 2009 - Thank you Girl Scout Troop 60182!

Thank you Girl Scout Troop 60182!
Girl Scout Troop #60182 in Saratoga had a Pet Awareness Day on March 21, 2009. They collected donations of new and gently used toys, beds and food for all types of pets. They collected two barrels full of dog and cat items which were donated to Furry Friends Rescue to help the animals. The scouts invited other local troops to come and learn about pets—they had a veterinarian there, booths to make cat toys, dog charms, bird toys, and buttons. They also invited Furry Friends Rescue to come and share information about the adoptable animals and how rescues work. Many thanks to these girl scouts for all their hard work and dedication to support animals in need in our community!
Thank you Troop 60182! Thank you!
June, 2008 - Thank you Marissa!

Thank you Marissa!
Marissa Taub, Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School, raised $1,155 in donation funds for Furry Friends Rescue dogs and cats. We know that took a lot of work and we really appreciate Marissa's dedication to our furry friends. They need more people like Marissa!
Thank you Marissa! Thank you!
December, 2007 - Thank you Tango!

Thank you Tango!
Furry Friends Rescue received a letter from the family that adopted Tango several years ago. They told us about a Christmas party they'd had at their house in 2006 where candles were used as decorations. Unfortunately a fire started from one of the candles hours after it had been extinguished. A not too obvious fire alarm went off and the family ignored it. Tango didn't ignore it though! He kept barking until the family woke up and came downstairs. What they found was flames reaching four feet tall and nearing the curtains which were next to the Christmas tree. In a few minutes, the house would have been up in flames. Sweet Tango had saved their lives.
Tango had a rough start in life but found a family to love him and he loves them!
Thank you Tango! Thank you!
August, 2007 - Thank you Juliana!
One of our wonderful Junior Volunteers, Juliana, chose to ask her birthday party guests to bring gifts for our rescue doggies and kitties instead of for herself!
Juliana brought bags of toys, treats, brushes, combs, and blankets to us after her birthday party! She also passed along checks totaling $200!!
Thank you Juliana! Thank you!
June, 2007 - Thank you Girls basketball team!

Thank you team!
St. Joseph's CYO 4th Grade Girls basketball team who are parishioners of St. Joseph Church in Mission San Jose. For their service project, the St. Joseph's Cougars decided to hold a Shoot-A-Thon, with all proceeds going to a charity of their choice. They raised $750. The girls unanimously agreed to send the donation money they raised to Furry Friends Rescue to help many furry friends!
Each of the girls signed the letter by Tricia Yeh Petersen, Service Project Parent Coordinator and sent us their team photo.
Thank you St. Joseph's Cougars! Thank you!