Furry Friends Rescue
Dedicated to the Rescue, Sanctuary and Adoption of Companion Animals

Happy Stories

Phree, adopted 2013

Dumped in the streets with terrible physical conditions... Read how this sweetie Phree found a loving FOREVER family to live healthy and happy life!

View all Happy Stories

Dog Online Application

Please Read Before Submitting Your Dog Application

Bold text indicates a required field. Please complete the entire application to help us review for a match.

  1. The person filling out this application must be an adult (21 yrs+) and the primary owner or renter of your home.
  2. Adoptions are limited to the San Francisco Bay Area.
  3. All family members must be present at the adoption showcase and/or the home visit in order to meet and adopt the dog/puppy.
  4. Renters must provide a "Written Letter of Approval" from landlord allowing pets.
  5. Dates and times for dog adoption showcases can be found on the Showcase Locations page.
  6. Visit our How to Adopt and FAQ page for more information on adoption criteria.
  7. IMPORTANT NOTE: A volunteer will contact you within 72 hours if the dog is available and a match. (Timeframe of our contact could change depending on the number of applications submitted or when the dogs/cats has the label "New"). We strive to find lifelong matches based on the animal’s activity level, training needs, care requirements, personality, and behavior traits. Please note that we do not have a shelter or office. Dogs are fostered in homes by dedicated volunteers. Thank you!
Information About You

(We usually contact you by email first)

If you are renting, we require a written and signed approval from your landlord/property manager that you are allowed to have this dog live in your home.

We WILL ask for proof of home ownership documentation.

If no, please "stop" and talk to your landlord first for approval before proceeding with this application.

Basic Information

(If not within 2 weeks, please submit your application when you are ready).


(Vet care/surgeries/emergencies can cost $500 to $15,000 or more)

Mandatory Puppy Training and Socials for puppy.
If you do not agree, please do not apply.
Please read: Puppy Adoption Requirements

If so, we will contact them for reference.

Family Information

List names and ages of all people living in the home, including yourself.

Name Age

If you have pets currently, please list them below.

Type of Animal/Breed Type Age Sex Spayed/
Indoor/Outdoor Size (weight) Breed

Please list all the animals you have had in the past 10 years that are NOT LISTED ABOVE.

Type of Animal Age Sex Spayed/
Indoor/Outdoor What happened?

Please Read and Certify the Following

I certify that I am an adult (over 21 years) and primary home owner or renter of my home and that all information on this application is true. I understand that false information will void this application. I agree, understand and abide by Furry Friends Rescue interview procedures for a life long match, Home Visit and Adoption Agreement if a match. Please read our FFR "How to Adopt"

If everything looks OK press the Submit button. Important: If you do not get the "Thank You" email within a few minutes, then the application did not work. Likely a required field was missed on your application and you will need to fill that in before Submit will work.