Foster Home Network
Dog & Kitten Foster Homes needed ASAP!
All City Animal Shelters are overloaded with dogs, puppies, cats and kittens. We need dedicated and experienced super hero foster homes for dogs (all sizes but especially for large dogs), moms with puppies or kittens and bottle/underage puppies/kittens. Open your heart and home to homeless fur kid and know that you are their Guardian Angel!
Please read Fostering Criteria below and apply online!)

Need puppy & mom/puppy foster homes
Help save innocent lives.
Thank you for your interest in fostering dogs & cats! Fostering is an extremely important part of our rescue process. Since we don't have office or shelter space, our foster homes provide sanctuary for all our rescued animals. In other words, we can only save as many lives as we have foster homes. Our rescue operation is heavily dependent upon all of our volunteers and hero foster homes.
We provide all basic supplies, food, vet expenses and guidance from our experienced foster counselors. Back-up "pet-sitting" for the foster animal is also provided. Best to foster until the dog or cat is adopted to their forever home since too emotionally hard for them to bond and be moved around.
Fostering Criteria
For Dogs/Puppies
- Experience with dogs (Only adult to walk the foster dog due to safety and liabilities.)
- WFH (work from home) or gone short hours (depending the dog's age, personality & activity needs) to provide TLC, house-train, supervise, and guide/train new dogs/pups.
- A home with an attached backyard
- Children must be 8 years and up with some dog experience. 70% of dog bite victims are children 2-7 years old. For these reasons, we recommend that families should wait until they are 8 years old or older. Check out our resource page "Dog and Kids Safety (including Babies and Toddlers)"
- Personal home pets must be current on their vaccinations.
- Please read Fostering Advice & Tips, FAQ, Dog & Cat Training pages.
- No Jr. Volunteer service hours for home fostering. Parents or adult must be fully responsible for safety, supervision, liabilities and to prevent accidents.
- Jr. Volunteer program in the future

For Cats/Kittens
- Need a room to start in for 10 days quarantine
- Personal home pets must be current on their vaccinations.
- Please read Fostering Advice & Tips, FAQ, Dog & Cat Training pages.
- No Jr. Volunteer service hours for home fostering. Parents or adult must be fully responsible for safety, supervision, liabilities and to prevent accidents.

Adoption Showcases

Foster homes need to attend one of our weekly Adoption Showcases in Fremont or Saratoga and be able to take their foster dog or cat to one of our partnering vets in Union City, Fremont, Milpitas, Campbell, Mt. View, San Jose, and Sunnyvale.
Please Foster Us!
These dogs and cats are currently listed as "Needing a foster family".
Online Foster Application
If you are interested, please fill out our online foster application below for dog and cat.
Save Your Receipts While Fostering!
Foster homes! Save your receipts for all your foster dogs and/or cats to claim the expenses during tax time. Fostering expenses are eligible for deductions are food/treats, medicines, veterinary bills, crates & supplies. Read article "Filing Taxes? Don't Forget to Claim Your Foster Dog!".
See photos of our great volunteer team & events!
Be an ANGEL!
Become a Foster Home and help save the life of a furry friend

"Saving just one pet won't change the world...but, surely, the world will change for that one special dog or cat". Reach out and save a furry life!

Foster to Adopt! Want to adopt but not sure?
Fostering saves Lives!

Newly rescued dogs and cats with no foster homes are available for both "foster" and "foster to adopt" homes. Their pictures are on this page. Dogs that have fearful/shy behaviors that need more time to adjust are available for "foster to adopt". An adoption counselor can advise on which dogs are fearful/shy.
All our new rescues first go to our vet for exams, vaccinations, deworm, ID chip and necessary vet care. Some animals have to go back to the vet for follow-up needs. We supply collar, leash, slip collar, food, treats, toys, and supplements (most we have to purchase). We often supply food to get started. Usually we get high quality dry food donated from Pet Food Express but we have to purchase canned food, chews, treats and more. It all adds up... FFR exists only on donations so we try to limit expenses where possible. Most foster homes purchase the food/supplies and save their receipts to deduct as charity donations on their taxes.
ALL foster homes need to commit for 2 weeks. It takes at least 3 days to decompress, feel safe and to begin to adjust to change and at least 3 weeks for a dog or cat to learn and settle in a home to see their true personality emerging. See the 3 days 3 weeks 3 months rule. Change is stressful and emotionally difficult so we try to reduce the number of foster homes for each individual pet.
Foster to Adopt homes: After 2 weeks, confirm if you want to adopt and complete our Adoption Contract or the dog/cat will be considered available for adoption to a matched home. "Foster to Adopt" homes need to buy their own crate, dog pen, bed, food, toys, bowls, etc.
For issues that might need vet care, all types of foster homes need to contact FFR leads first so we can give advice and/or contact an FFR-approved vet for services. All vet care must be pre-approved. FFR cannot reimburse for vet care or supplies if not pre-authorized.
Please see our Helpful Resources and Training articles:
Helpful Resources
We have a lot of resources to help you and your pets start off on the right foot! Take a look at the following pages.
- Open Paw's Guide To The First Two Weeks With Your New Dog - Follow these guidelines for at least the first 2 weeks with your new foster dog. Please remember that most puppies and even some adult dogs will take longer to adjust, so be patient. Restrict free roaming of the home. Keep their space small and utilize a crate or dog pen until they learn to go potty outside.
A Poem to my Foster Dog
Open your heart and home to a rescued dog or cat and know that you are his/her Guardian Angel.

I am the bridge
between what was and what can be.
I am the pathway to a new life.
I am made of mush,
because my heart melted when I saw you,
matted and sore, limping, depressed,
lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.
For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand
I will love you with my whole heart
I will make you whole.
I am made of steel,
because when the time comes,
when you are well and sleek,
when your eyes shine, and your tail wags with joy
then comes the hard part.
I will let you go not without a tear,
but without a regret.
For you are safe forever
A new dog needs me now.